Hi! My name is Ann Hadsall-Allen. Mother of 6 and author of various family topic books from my ‘Making Life Easier’ book collection.
My collection discusses topics from:
*Conceiving the gender of your choice ( I have 3 boys & 3 girls)
*Businesses children can start and operate themselves from the age of 8
*Preparation for caring for a loved ones desires and financial issues when they can no longer help themselves
*Keeping track of your business & family contacts easily during your busy day-to-day lives
*Keeping your lives a little saner raising children in today’s crazy world.
*Classic cookbooks designed to raise money for many important causes
No, I am not a therapist, just a dedicated mom who tries to make the best of raising a planned, large family and have found some proven methods that have worked well for us. I hope to share them with you as well as share your thoughts and advice with my audience.
Come join my world and I hope my books and advice can help change your world!